
 My students worked in different groups to create a jamboard page about how is their dream world, dream city, dream school https://jamboard.google.com/d/1qY4V5fBMM6RFjsnfc31FriaU0BG_SfaIxJmHRUOuibQ/viewer?f=2
 We prepared our e-Magazine about Cosmopolitan cities in the World with Book Creator. It is a must-see magazine. Cosmopolitan Cities
              Finally, our students, teachers and dear parents shared their ideas with us with the help of post surveys.                Here is a collage of my teams' parents while answering the post survey for parents. Big thanks for their contribution! We prepared project certificates for our teams.   

Our students' parents answered the questionnaires. Thank you for their support.

                                                            Happy Safer Internet Day!  (The link for our e-Safety Day video)           All teams prepared a poster about how they provide their own e safety. Then we combined the posters on canva and shared our video on Feb, 8 on the social media accounts of our schools. Hope it would be beneficial for everyone!

Thanks for all your work and cooperation.
